Who is Galen?

Hello, and welcome to my corner of the webbernets! I'm an actor, singer, teacher and writer who lives and works in my hometown: Atlanta, Georgia. 

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to A Career in the Arts...I had to find a day job. Suddenly, in my mid-twenties, I'm trying to figure out What I Want To Be When I Grow-Up. I have never, ever pondered on this topic. Instead, I practiced my Academy Awards acceptance speech in the mirror ("And of course, my wonderful husband, Tobey Maguire. You are my everything."). Apparently, though, if you want to eat while you pursue your dreams, you have to make money on the side. 

By now you're going, "What does this have to do with a blog?" I'm almost to it, I swear: 

I wear a lot of different hats; I'm an actor, a bibliophile, a thrift store aficionado, A burgeoning DIYer, a home cook, and a (terrified) writer. But I'm also going through this career-based identity crisis. So while I attempt to figure all this out, I though it would be nice to share my passions with the people I love. This business can be overwhelming; the things I'll feature here are all the ways I beat back the dark.


  1. Can I just say that your whole M,T,W,R,F themed thing is brilliant? Wish I'd thought of that!

    Also the word "webbernets"made me laugh out loud, you sound so fun :D


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