Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Why I Didn't Buy a Used Car

This week, I'm veering away from our usual Thursday fare a bit; instead of discussing thrift stores, I want to focus on thriftiness in general. When does thriftiness matter, and can you pay Big Bucks and still be "thrifty?"

I recently bought a car, and several of my friends were very surprised that I went new. I am, after all, the Queen of Used Things.

As you might remember, my beloved pickup truck recently died. She made a dramatic exit, coming to a stop on I-75 while I was heading to rehearsal. If you knew Emmy at all, that probably doesn't surprise you. After all, I did encounter a few other breakdowns. One, in college, left me stuck in the middle of the street - my starter died, and no one would help me push her to the side of the road. She was a good ol' girl - but she really was ol'. Quite ol'.


I adored my truck, and goodness knows she was a steal (I bought her from my grandpa for $900), but the odds of coming across another deal like that are very slim. Grandpa literally only drove the truck once every six months, just to keep everything in working order. Very occasionally, if something needed moving, he'd use the pickup. When I got the truck she was 15 years old and had 30,000 miles on her. That's bizarre.

I could easily have found another used car to purchase, but after years of vehicular uncertainty, I knew I needed something more reliable. While I never spent much energy worrying about a breakdown (what could be more useless than living in fear?) I always had quite a bit to worry about when she did stop moving. For a week at a time, my calendar would be interrupted as I lived a carless life. I work a LOT of jobs, and they're all over the city (and outside the perimeter). This gal needs her wheels, or she don't get paid.

Remember how I said I bought her for $900? That's true, except that my parents and I also paid over $6000 for repairs. That brings the total cost of the car to almost seven grand. Repair trips were (of course) unplanned, and I rarely had a few hundred dollars just lying around. I am, after all, a starving artist. So who footed the bill? Mommy and Daddy. Guys, I like getting help as much as the next person, but I'm a grown-ass lady - I don't want to cry to my parents for cash anymore. My new car was not inexpensive, but the way I'm paying for her is much less stressful. It fits my lifestyle better.

So I went new. Yes, I had to take out a loan; yes the added debt makes me shiver. But amazingly, I'm already saving money.

The biggest value in my new car is the gas mileage. So far, I'm saving a hundred dollars a month because I fill the tank half as often. Plus, since I bought a Toyota, all my vehicle maintenance (oil changes and tire rotation) is free for two years. Then there are the regular warranties (6 year, 60,000 miles!), and I bought an optional package that prepays for all my recommended maintenance (i.e., stuff that isn't covered by the regular warranty). The great thing about all of this is that it's included in my monthly payments. I know exactly how much I'll be paying each month, and I can budget accordingly. That's infinitely less stressful than dropping $400 on a repair that comes-up out of nowhere.

Being thrifty means that you don't waste your money. If you buy something cheap and it breaks, or you don't get satisfaction from it, then that purchase wasn't worth the money you "saved." For me, quality trumps quantity every time. I'll save money by buying used clothes so that I can spend my dough where it really counts.

Oh, and meet my new gal, Alice Childress.



Friday, June 21, 2013

Fashionable Friday: Easy Outfits for a Day in the Sun

My Lil' Sis, Devyn, is a fashionable lady in her own right. Last week, at a family outing, she sported this summery ensemble.





But it had a secret...


The top was actually a romper!




Doesn't she look great in these pictures? I'm so proud. I just wore one of my favorite sundresses - nothing groundbreaking.



We were in Canton, on a hillside overlooking a beautiful mountain vista. Naturally, I took advantage of the opportunity.

The Crawleys are a boisterous people.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Buying a Secondhand Raincoat

Last week, when I found those amazing trenches, I also found a great raincoat. At least, I assumed it was a raincoat - the labels are all in a foreign language. So while I was pretty sure the coat was waterproof, I couldn't be absolutely certain. Naturally, I enlisted Roomie and Very Excellent Boyfriend to perform a scientific test.

It's been a rainy week, and my new coat has fared quite well. Yes, I do wish it had a hood, and it's missing its original belt, but I'm still happy with it. It doesn't leak, like my last coat, which is a huge step forward.

Thrift Trip 6-11
Gotta get a replacement belt.

Side note: Anyone know anything about this brand? I tried searching the webbernets, but I came-up totally dry. 

Thrift Trip 6-11

Hey, I made a raincoat pun!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Grown-up Lunchable

When I was a kid, my mom would only buy the Lunchables that came with turkey or ham, crackers, and cheese. I thought they were extremely monotonous - especially because kids were ALWAYS bringing Pizza Lunchables to school. I was so jealous. They had their delicious, self-assembled gourmet meals, and all I had were some tiny cold-cuts. Sometimes, I'd get a kid to trade with me, and it was thrilling. I loved those strange, chilly little pizzas.

When I got to college and started shopping for myself, I'd occasionally buy a pizza Lunchable set just to prove I could. HA, MOM! I make my own food choices now!

But I'm 25, and it's time to start making healthy(ish) swaps wherever I can. No more high fructose corn syrup for me - it's time to pack my own easy meals.

The grown-up Lunchable is very simple. All you need is:

  • A method of transportation

Grown-up Lunchable

  • A pita pocket

Grown-up Lunchable

  • A quarter cup of your favorite red sauce and a quarter cup of cheese mixed with some oregano, basil, and garlic powder

Grown-up Lunchable

Grown-up Lunchable

Assemble your ingredients on a paper plate, and nuke it for 30 seconds. Count to 15, then nuke it another 30 seconds. Enjoy!

If you want to be really authentic, you could eat it cold - but that sounds disgusting. Just like actual pizza Lunchables are. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Thrifting Tip - Shop Out of Season

I think most normal people do their shopping according to whatever season is actually occurring at the moment. "Boy, it's really hot outside, and every morning when I get dressed I realize I have NO SLEEVELESS SHIRTS and I sweat to death. I'm gonna go buy some!" However, retail stores tend to stock their floors in advance of the upcoming season. Hence why you can buy a bikini at Target in February. If you're looking for something really specific and you want to purchase it secondhand, I recommend looking for it six months before you'll need it.

Great example:

I've been searching for a nice trench coat for about three years. It is hard to find a nice coat in my size at a thrift store - way hard. Invariably, all Goodwills have three or four really nice London Fogs on their racks,  but they're always men's sizes, and I look like I'm in a community theatre production of Les Mis whenever I try them on. But this week, I hit the jackpot - two lovely trenches for $3 each (they were half-off!).

Thrift Trip 6-11

Thrift Trip 6-11

Thrift Trip 6-11

Thrift Trip 6-11

Summer is the perfect time to look for secondhand outerwear. This is the time when everyone (myself included) is packing-up their winder clothes and donating all the stuff they didn't wear last year. I found another coat I just loved - this short pink pea coat with a detachable hood.

Thrift Trip 6-11

If I didn't already own three pea coats, I would have bought it.

Also, just for fun, let's look at how much money I saved by buying my coats at Goodwill. The white one was made by Braetan.

Thrift Trip 6-11

Their coats retail for around $120- less through Burlington, Amazon, etc.

The other coat is by ChatCwin, an Italian designer.

Thrift Trip 6-11

A quick Google search reveals that their coats usually sell for about $700. When I read that, I took a sip of water just so I could spit-take it. I've found some great steals, but this is by far my best. 

My Latest Official Thrifting Tip: Shop Out of Season

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Whatever Wednesday: Galen's Arrested Development

I hope you all have had a lovely week-and-a-half. Mine has been stressful (in ways good and bad) but things are starting to normalize again; all my shows are open, and I've chosen a new car. I hated to leave you all for so long, but didn't want to half-ass my posts. Instead, I gave myself a vacation - the perks of self-employment, eh? But now I'm back - stronger, wiser, and prettier than before.

Be prepared, though - there might be fewer post around here. Instead of putting-up a new article every weekday, I may cut back to two or three a week. We'll see how it goes. 

I'm sure you (like me) spent the last couple weeks in an Arrested Development haze. I finally finished season 4 last night...and immediately started rewatching it. But this time, I have a chart to guide my way!

Isn't it magnificent? Thank goodness for the internet.

Things to look forward to in the next couple weeks: