Monday, May 6, 2013

Make-it-Monday: Making a Flapper Dress

I've been looking for a dress to wear to the Great Gatsby movie since January. The search is not going well. The movie opens on Friday, and I've got zip. Nada.

I did try this on recently at Plato's Closet:

And while I like the Art Deco vibe, it still doesn't fit the bill. I thought about lopping the sleeves off and making it a sheath, but then I saw the price tag, and decided my craft projects need to start with something that costs less than $20 (Also, side note, REALLY, Plato? $20 for this thing? Why?).

Luckily, I am addicted to thrift shopping, and I found some less expensive options, like this:

I've got two other options, so if I royally destroy the first two, I'll hopefully have learned enough to make the third one work. The rest of this entry shall be liveblogged as I spend the afternoon refashioning dresses.

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